There are many companies involved in art auctions today. Christie's is one of them. Christie's is one of the most reputable and important auction houses in the world.

Christie's, a company founded over two centuries ago

Christie's was founded in early December 1766 and is an auction house for art, cars, wine, jewellery, etc. It is an international company based in London. It conducts more than 400 auctions each year. They take place in nearly eighty-five separate rooms. The company has a turnover of over seven billion dollars. For this reason, it is ranked among the most important auction houses in the world. The products offered by the entity are aimed at the general public.

Recent achievements of the company

Since its creation, the company has carried out numerous exceptional sales, particularly of works of art. Among the most important is the sale of the Salvator Mundi painting by the famous Leonardo da Vinci. This is an absolutely expensive work. It was sold for almost 450 million dollars in 2017. In addition, Christie's had an impressive sale in 2018. This was for a portrait that sold for up to $400,000. Recently, another sale made its mark on the company. This was the American-born Beeple's Everydays: The First 5000 Days, which fetched $70 million.

The reasons for Christie's success

Christie's continues to impress the world with its auctions, especially of fine art. The company's success can be explained by the methods it adopts in its activities. The company focuses on working with competent specialists with extensive know-how. In addition, it promotes products with specific values. The works of art it offers for sale are, for example, those with special histories. Moreover, the specialists working with the company are experts in a wide variety of fields. They can be found almost everywhere in the world. So if they see an object of art in a particular region, they immediately inform the company's offices. As a result, Christie's, through its success, could be a reference for new entrants in the field of art auctions.